
What is the best method for children to learn English?

The Kids&Us method is based on the natural process of acquiring the mother tongue, a learning path that follows a logical, natural and spontaneous order.

King's Mills

C/ Santiago Rusiñol, 6

T. 93684 08 18 / 651 717 202

King's Mills | Kids&Us (


C/ Miquel Batlle, 2 bxs

T. 93 683 16 13 / 665 166 888


C/ Joaquim Mensa, 17

T. 93 143 38 35 / 651 717 388


Languages: from 1 year and up to Proficiency level (C2)

Leading global reference brand in learning English for children from 1 year old.

The Kids&Us method is based on the natural process of acquiring the mother tongue, a learning path that follows a logical, natural and spontaneous order.

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